Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lam Lam's great heist

I was sitting at my desk this morning, dreaming of being a million and one other places when I get a text. It's a picture of Lamar Odom cowering out of town with Lakers paraphernalia on. Now before I start, let me state for the record I am a Grizzlies fan and do not have a dog in the fight. But as a Dallas resident, looking at that photo confirmed what we already suspected. Lamar Odom sabotaged this trade, and he did it on purpose.

There were no personal issues. There were no fitness questions. There were no adjustment concerns. Odom stuck his middle finger up to the entire thought of playing here. He certainly didn't dispel that notion on the court. His play was embarrassingly awful. His competitiveness was reminiscent of a father playing with his young son....and holding back to build the kid's confidence. I gotta give Mavs fans are extremely patient and forgiving. Odom didn't care. He wanted the hell outta here.

I suspect that Odom's intention was to be released...why else would he be so blatantly bad and aloof? Kudos to Mark Cuban for keeping Lamar on the roster, at least that way Dallas can trade him to Toronto, or Charlotte next season. follow @plcolter

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