Friday, March 18, 2011

VCU vindicates Selection Committee

Last Sunday I wondered who felt worse. Colorado, Virginia Tech, or Virginia Commonwealth? The annual unveiling of the ncaa championship tournament was met with harsh criticism when the selection committee awarded VCU a tournament bid over their better known bubble counter parts. Experts from every national media outlet blasted the committee, some even called for a complete overhaul of it's members. Six days and two VCU wins later the committee must be smiling, even if only to themselves.

Virginia Commonwealth just put the finishing touches on a second round thumping of Georgetown, handing the Hoyas their worst tournament loss in fifteen years. Two days earlier VCU knocked off another "big conference" school when they beat USC in the first round. The committee's first and second round pairings have lead to numerous buzzer beaters and another memorable tournament run so far. No one could blame the selection committee for feeling like telling the world "I told you so". Luckily for them, VCU did it for them.

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