Sunday, August 12, 2012

Life imitating art for Chad Johnson

This is the first thing I've ever posted that I hope I'm wrong about, but something about the Chad Johnson arrest doesn't sit right with me. We all know that number 85 loves attention above all else. We also know that his wife is a reality show star herself, frequently seen actin a fool on tv. When I first saw the report last night, two things immediately stood out.

I watched the first episode of Hard Knocks with the Miami Dolphins earlier this week and Johnson told someone on the show he was going to get arrested. He even promised it....on camera. The very first weekend following the show's premier, Johnson made good on his promise. Now if that is not a coincidence, I don't know what is.

It also doesn't hurt that Chad Johnson and his wife Evelyn Lozada have their own reality show coming out next month. A friend of mine recently told me that drama is what sells nowadays, and this would certainly qualify as TMZ worthy. I'm certain that tons of people (including myself) will be tuning in to both shows to get a behind the scenes look at what really went on last night....just like they wanted.

I guess my friend was right. Good job by you Chad and Evelyn.   follow @plcolter

1 comment:

rubreezing said...

...makes me want to watch their show! I don't know if that's good or not. Humm